Facilities Management

Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health, Safety, and Sustainability

Do you have a safety concern?

Please contact:

Safety Spotlight

Always face the ladder and use the three-points of contact rule.

More Safety Tips

IL Worker's Compensation Commission

Phone: 866-352-3033

Campus News

Safety Data Sheet/Global Harmonization System

is the online management program °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÀúÊ·¼Ç¼ uses to organize and view our safety data sheets for each chemical purchased by the University. Within this website you will be able to search for chemicals already loaded into the program. You will also be able to search MSDS Online's web based inventory of thousands of chemicals. There is the option to add any chemical °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÀúÊ·¼Ç¼ purchases or uses to our University chemical inventory.

If you have questions about using the online management program for chemicals on campus, please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office at 309-298-1834.

Safety News